Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Game on!

Here are nine of my family's favorite games to play on the restful evenings leading up to Christmas.
  1. Apples to Apples - This is great if you're looking for a fun game that doesn't take a lot of thinking or concentration. We have the "Bible edition" as well as the original, although we usually end up playing the original because it gives more options of answer choices.
  2. Jenga - My parents surprised us with a Jenga game last night (it's actually a knock-off of Jenga, but that doesn't matter). I was amazed at how much intense focus it took! The air was tense, and we'd all breathe out after someone's turn was over because we were so happy to see our little precarious tower still standing.
  3. Dreidel - Okay, so the Festival of Lights is over, but we still have fun spinning for Bits-O-Honey.
  4. Spoons - Have you played Spoons? It's fast, furious, and occasionally dangerous, especially when we play it with our entire family, including the cousins. Luckily, no one has broken any bones during it, yet.
  5. Balderdash - It's all about your wonderful imagination. I love it.
  6. Atari Flashback - Mom and Dad gave us this for Christmas a few years ago, and the boys enjoy plugging it into the TV and playing River Rage and other "old school" games like that.
  7. My Father Owns a Grocery Store - What can I say? It's classic.
  8. Boggle - My dad owns at this game.
  9. Scrabble - Oh, my dad seriously owns at this game. We hardly ever play it with him because he figures out 8-letter words that spread all across the triple-letter scores. "Ooooh, looks like I got a 367 bonus..."

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